To where your journey is going (Forest in the Harz mountains)

forest photography, Germany, Harz mountains, Sony Alpha, Heers, Blankenburg

To where your journey is going

Even if you keep trying to convince yourself of the opposite, you never know where your journey is going. Yet, only when it's rubbed in your face by existential questions do you become aware of it. Though you sincerely long for it behind closed eyes, there is no going back to normal at times.

Yet, false expectations are doomed to fail and make you not see the wood for the trees. As such confusion causes you to run in circles, you will never reach any destination but, instead, get lost. However, by freeing yourself from false demands, you also free yourself. And then, at the latest, it becomes clear that there is no way back because you have grown out of the old you.

Forest in the Blankenburg (Harz)

I took this photo in February 2023 in my hometown Blankenburg (Harz). You can see the forest in winter in the "Heers" which is a forest area in the Harz district in the northern Harz foothills between Blankenburg and Halberstadt. The forest mainly consists of pine trees planted between 1880 and 1930. The pine trees provide a lovely smell, and the forest borders the close Regenstein Castle and Fortress.

Hi there, I'm Stefanie, the photographer, and author of the blog post you're reading now.

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