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To where your journey is going (Forest in the Harz mountains)
Even if you keep trying to convince yourself of the opposite, you never know where your journey is going. Visiting the forest area "Heers" in Germany's Harz mountains might help to find out.
In a different world (winter in the Harz mountains)
When diving into the forest, you enter a different world. This white, cold frozen winter landscape in Germany's Harz mountains presents a break in which it is just enough to be.
Daring the impossible (winter in Germany)
Daring the impossible offers the chance to grow. Seeing the inter in Germany in the Harz mountains offers a new experience!
The beauty of doing nothing (Autumn in Germany)
Enjoying the beauty of doing nothing like here in the forest in autumn in Germany can clear your head and recharge your batteries.
A journey through time (Autumn in the Harz Mountains)
When you recall the hazy memories after a while, you quickly embark on a journey through time. Autumn in the Harz mountains ...
A broader view of everything (Winter in the Harz mountains)
There's always someone wanting something from you, but with the distance, you gain a broader view of everything like here at Blankenburg Harz.
The new beginning (Blankenburg, Harz)
The excitement of a new beginning starts circulating, but, it may be hard to figure out what you really want like here in the Harz mountains!
A standstill in snow (winter wonderland in Germany)
After the snow had covered everything in its white magnificence, I found a winter wonderland - a beautiful standstill in the snow at Blankenburg (Harz).
Reaching goals (autumn in the German Harz mountains)
If you aim to reach goals, you have to make an effort first. Yet, once you have arrived, all the action gets instantly forgotten, like when I went this autumn view in Germany’s Harz mountains paid off!
Common goals (workshops in Germany)
In their nuances, all somehow vary from one another. But when longing for common goals, things can change like at this Garage in Germany.