The majesty of stillness at the Dead Sea
The majesty of stillness
With breakneck speed, silence came as a complete surprise. As my mind wanders in the tranquility surrounding me, I feel lost. Patience is a virtue, they say, but they often forget to tell how difficult it is to be patient. However, I keep waiting, waiting for things to move on, waiting for better days to come, waiting for time to move on because right now, I'm stuck.
While I struggle with my search for normality, I surrender to the majesty of stillness for a moment. The longer I dive in, the clearer it becomes that sometimes you have to let unpleasant things happen before silence can become a symphony again.
The Dead Sea
I took this photo at the Dead Sea. This is the lowest place on earth, and I have visited it several times. You cannot really swim in the Dead Sea but float on it because of its high salt amount. I love the unique colors and atmosphere in which the high amount of salt in the air forms. Besides, the landscape around it is very spectacular.
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