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An unexpected getaway (Sluishuis in Amsterdam)
When everyday life revolves around itself for too long, it is time for an unexpected getaway. Often such surprises aren't too far away, like the Sluishuis in Amsterdam.
Following my curiosity (Sluishuis in Amsterdam)
When seeing these never-ending steps, the question quickly arises whether this journey is worth the effort. Hence, following my curiosity paid off when visiting the Sluishuis in Amsterdam.
Shine and splendor at Capitol Hill in Rome
The buildings at Capitol Hill in Rome still shine in splendor. Yet stones cannot speak, and so we'll never get to know all the stories!
Excessive demands at the Capitoline Hill in Rome
Sometimes everything piles up on top of each other. Excessive demands make life pretty difficult yet, sometimes there is a simple solution.
Out of reach at the staircase (architecture in Amsterdam)
Untouched aims often appear overwhelming and out of reach. Yet, the possibility of realization of such aims always depends on the perspective!