Following my curiosity (Sluishuis in Amsterdam)

Following my curiosity

When seeing these never-ending steps, the question quickly arises whether the surprise hidden at the end of this journey is worth the effort. But if you don't dare, you don't win. Hence, there is no other way to find it out than by setting myself in motion and following my curiosity.

Having the goal in mind helps me not give up immediately. I surrender to my curiosity, and so I progress step by step. Slowly, I am getting closer until I finally arrive. Immediately, I realized that the effort was worth it only because of the short moment when this spectacular view surprised me. Yet, there is no time for getting too comfortable. The work continues because another goal is waiting for me - come down again!

Sluishuis in Amsterdam

I took this photo in January 2023 on a sunny and mild winter day. The "Sluishuis" is a modern architectural building in the very east of the Dutch capital that has just been recently finished. It is surrounded by water. With its geometrical and symmetrical architecture, it really stands out in its surrounding. The Netherlands host many modern and experimental buildings that are very interesting, though most of them might be in Rotterdam.

Hi there, I'm Stefanie, the photographer, and author of the blog post you're reading now.

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An unexpected getaway (Sluishuis in Amsterdam)


In a different world (winter in the Harz mountains)