A broader view of everything (Winter in the Harz mountains)
A broader view of everything
Time for taking a deep breath is a challenging need to fulfill nowadays. There’s always someone wanting something from you, regardless of whether this is relevant. Since this is a constant flow, the only choice to enjoy personal quality time is to set boundaries.
After that, there is suddenly enough free space to relax. While the mind wanders around, these small, forgotten memories, ideas, and thoughts s of recent times suddenly appear. But with the distance, you gain a broader view of everything because not being completely stuck inside means a wide field of vision.
Winter in Germany’s Harz mountains
I took this photo in December 2021, in my hometown Blankenburg (Harz), Germany. Due to the cold temperatures (-15°C), everything was frozen. In this photo, you can see the view from Blankenburg Castle and most parts of the city.
Hi there, I'm Stefanie, the photographer, and author of the blog post you're reading now.
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