Pace (cycling in the Netherlands)
New tasks steadily pop up into daily life in an infinite loop. While they impatiently wait for their turn, the list they are standing on grows continuously.
Often, this exerts pressure. For some, this endeavor is tempting to perform as much as possible in the least amount of time. Others react to these excessive demands by getting into freeze mode.
But regardless of the chosen reaction, this list never intends to be empty. For this reason, decreasing the significance of the pace at which the assigned tasks trigger might reduce the pressure.
And sometimes, if luck is on one’s side, such a slow pace will cause some tasks to solve themselves before one even starts working on them.
Cycling in the Netherlands
I took this photo in the summer of 2020 in the city “Katwijk aan Zee”. You can see two people cycling in the Netherlands. The cyclists ride here on the dike of the drainage basin of “Kalla’s Toren. “
The Netherlands is often called the "Cycling Capital of the World" and with good reason. The country boasts an extensive network of bike paths and lanes and an extremely high percentage of residents who cycle regularly. In fact, according to a recent study, the average Dutch person cycles over 200 miles each year!
So what's the secret to their success? According to researchers, it all comes down to safety, accessibility, and convenience. The Dutch have done an incredible job of creating a safe environment for cyclists, making it easy and convenient to get around by bike, and ensuring everyone has access to a bike, whether rich or poor.
Hi there, I'm Stefanie, the photographer, and author of the blog post you're reading now.
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