Wishful thinking and a flower bouquet
Wishful thinking
As if it was yesterday, I remember how I told you goodbye. At this moment, I thought that this farewell would last a short time. And so we quickly hugged, turned around, and went away.
Yet, things rarely turn out the way you expect them, and a long time has passed already. Though we can still communicate, your incredible charisma has a tough time meeting real-life needs because it is simply not the same.
While I sit here, I am staring with empty eyes at the vacant chair across from me. My thoughts are drifting away. I imagine how the doorbell would ring surprisingly and how I would open the door behind which you stand.
Though that is wishful thinking, and it is hard to endure the longing, I remind myself that this fantasy will soon come true.
A Dutch flower bouquet
In early summer 2021, I photographed a Dutch flower bouquet on a dining table with the rays of sunset. The Dianthus flowers were in full bloom, and their sweet scent filled the air. The bright orange and red petals stand out against the deep green leaves like a painting on a blank canvas, and they look beautiful against the backdrop of the setting sun. The sun's rays created a golden glow around the flowers, making them look even more stunning. This was a beautiful sight, and it made for a fantastic photo.
Hi there, I'm Stefanie, the photographer, and author of the blog post you're reading now.
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