Thoughts during a sunset in Utrecht

Utrecht sunset, sunset in Utrecht, beautiful sunset Utrecht, romantic sunset, Dutch sunset, sunset in the Netherlands, Utrecht Netherlands, Utrecht photography spots, Utrecht landscape photography, Stefanie Pietschmann photographer, Sony Alpha 6400


Recently, switching off the head has felt very difficult. As the same unpleasant thoughts frequently push their way into the foreground, finding a clear mind becomes a severe challenge.

In such times of overload, thoughts go around in circles. Yet there are moments when they seem to have gone briefly. These are crucial because they momentarily cause the weight to fall off the shoulders, resulting in instant relief.

However, unpleasant thoughts will start to circle again very soon. Until there is a change, the short quiet moments of taking a time out allow bearing with the situation and prepare for the better.

Sunset in Utrecht

In 2020, amidst the Corona pandemic, I captured this image when everything in the Netherlands was shut down. As people sought variety and respite by immersing themselves in nature's beauty, this photograph showcases a breathtaking sunset at an incredibly verdant location in Utrecht.

Hi there, I'm Stefanie, the photographer, and author of the blog post you're reading now.

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