Small decisions (Beit Jabotinsky in Tel Aviv)

Beit Jabotinsky, Beit Jabotinsky Tel Aviv, Metzudat Ze'ev tower in Tel Aviv, Mordechai Ben-Horin, Brutalist architecture, high rise, brutalism in Israel, photographer Stefanie Pietschmann, Sony alpha 6400, symmetry

Small decisions

Every decision we take, no matter how big or small it appears, resonates deeply in our lives. Dreams can sometimes feel elusive or overwhelming, yet the daily choices, which might seem inconsequential, often pave the way to remarkable outcomes.

Hence, recognizing the inherent value in even the smallest choices is crucial. Remember, with each dawn comes a fresh chance, and taking small steps can ultimately lead to monumental achievements.

Beit Jabotinsky / Metzudat Ze'ev in Tel Aviv

Beit Jabotinsky, widely recognized as Metzudat Ze'ev, stands as a historical tower in Tel Aviv, a creation of Mordechai Ben-Horin's design expertise in the Brutalist architectural style. This monumental structure took nearly thirty years to complete, finally reaching completion in 1963. With its impressive sixty-meter height, it stands tall as one of the most prominent buildings in Tel Aviv.

Hi there, I'm Stefanie, the photographer, and author of the blog post you're reading now.

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