Ideas while watching birds in the evening sky

birds in the evening sky, bird watching in the evening sky, ideas while observing birds, birdwatching, bird photography, sunset photography,  Stefanie Pietschmann photographer, Sony Alpha 6400

Ideas while watching birds

When getting ideas in your head, they won’t let you go at times. If so, it slowly but surely takes over your thoughts and settles in. After a while, such a view might become a feasible venture.

By planing its realization, one embarks on a journey characterized by all sorts of highs and lows: Some things will turn out great while other approaches prove useless, which means that one needs to start over again.

As patience is a high virtue, this path is also a test of whether the initial idea can assert itself in reality. If one makes it to this final goal, the courage it took to come there will be richly rewarded.

While observing this achievement, joy, relief, and satisfaction compensate for all the intense efforts that vigorously took place. Soon after, one realizes that the heavy load which accompanied this journey slowly falls off the shoulders, and that lightness spreads around.

The colors of the evening sky

I took this photo in the late summer of 2020. You can watch birds in the evening sky on an open field next to the Dutch city of Utrecht. 

The evening sky is a canvas of colors that never fail to captivate our senses. Each color evokes a unique emotion and mood, from the warm hues of orange and red to the cool shades of blue and purple. But did you know that the tonality of these colors can also be persuasive?

Tonality refers to the emotional quality or character of a sound or voice. In the case of colors, tonality refers to how they make us feel. For example, warm colors like red and orange are associated with passion and energy, while cool colors like blue and green evoke calmness and tranquility.

Hi there, I'm Stefanie, the photographer, and author of the blog post you're reading now.

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